About Me

My blog has morphed from an interest with all things food and garden related shortly after marriage to and obsession with fertility (or lack thereof) and my own ladybits to a narcisstic random monlogue about my life-which centers around my spawn and all things that go with him. Going with the narcissism theme is the immediate focus of health and weightloss so that I may truly be the best (and long living) parent I can be by being active, confident, and a good example. Doing all of this while trying to remain true to myself, all my passions and work full time in the corporate world while being not only a good mom but a good wife.

I rant, rave, mount soap boxes on numerous occassions because I’m an overly opinionated, over sharing type D Aries. I’m also a walking oxymoron with single-life champagne taste on a family-life beer budget. Previously a designer wearing domestic goddess, I am reduced to a frugal frazzled working mom with weedridden flowerbeds and a zoo of dust bunnies on my hardwood floors.

I love my life but I don't always have it figured out and the things that I think I do, I like to share with YOU (or shove in your face/down your throat because the mood strikes me-just kidding but not really)!