An ex-coworker of mine claimed that she felt pregnant from the moment she had sex, because she felt different. I’m not going to call her a liar to her face (and she will never read this) because she really is a sweet little old lady and time has undoubtedly dimmed her recall ability. I’m pretty sure it is impossible physically to feel that different before the sperm has even had time to find the egg and every book I have read has backed me up. MENTALLY it is an entirely different story though.
Our brains are an amazing muscle with firing neurons, electrons etc. We barely even tap into the potential of our brains. So I do not doubt the possibility of someone mentally psyching themselves up to believing they are pregnant before a BFP. This is true for those who know NOTHING about their bodies and those that have excellent looking charts for the first time. I have officially become excited and positive feeling about my chart. I had a lovely temperature boost today and my chart is “purdy.”
Do I feel different with this new positive outlook? No, of course not. Yes my boobs are sore and I’m extremely gassy (but so is my husband so it could be our diet). Yes, I’m tired but I always am (you try working two jobs and keeping up with a garden, horses, house etc.) I’ve actually had little bursts of energy that are abnormal but that too can be because of diet/lifestyle etc. and overall feel really good right now. A million things can be both contributed to pregnancy and proven not to be associated with pregnancy so there really are no early signs in my opinion and I have yet to prove otherwise via experience and I honestly doubt I ever will because its just too subjective a subject and everyone is different.
Am I pregnant? I don’t know. I’m 8 DPO and I personally think my chart looks excellent. I can’t believe I’m 8 DPO already. Where did the time go? I know people get BFP’s this early but I’m going to wait. I’m enjoying waiting. I do have a confession though: I’m feeling really positive and excited right now. My negativity is trying to kick in and say “ you are setting yourself up for disappointment” but my positivity (imagine the angel/devil on the shoulder scenario) is saying “I don’t care, I just know its real this time.”
Whether I’m doomed to disappointment, I don’t know. I’m chilling and enjoying the positive glow and the pretty chart and waiting patiently to test. I’ve probably completely lost my mind.
I'm crossing my fingers for some good news in a week or so!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy this positive attitude. And if you were to get a BFN, stay positive...remember how great you feel right now having hope and keep it for next cycle.
ReplyDeleteWanna wait til you're 20DPO and we can test together? LOL