Friday, November 6, 2009

BOTB Gal Pals

I finally met one of the local girls off of BOTB. CrownedBee and I met for Starbucks and to talk Fertility and TTC. I had a blast and it was so nice to chat with someone who knew my story, knew what it was like to be on the boards and dealing with the pregnancy issues etc. IRL. I can't wait to hang out with her again (bedazzled tacky christmas sweaters and all -inside joke).

CrownedBee and Me


  1. Yeay, that's such a cute pic! :)

    I love meeting nesties IRL... I'm meeting LilacStar on Thursday, woot!

    It's always so nice to have some girl time.

  2. You both are such gorgeous people whom I love dearly.
