Monday, March 23, 2009

Free Clomid

Progesterone: Copay 40.00 for 10 pills.
Clomid: Free
Possibility of Baby: Priceless

As stated before, Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance does not make sense. I never KNOW how much I am going to have to pay out of pocket for medicine at Walgreens. Wierd.

In other news, I miscalculated my cycle days (don't ask me HOW I did this, I just was skewing it in my head). Today is my third day, which means TODAY is the day I start Clomid. Exciting but scary all at the same time.

Today is officially, CYCLE 1 on Clomid. It's like a fresh start. I no longer feel the past two years of barren bitterness. I no longer care about the past 8 months of anovulatory charts. Today is a new day in my TTC journey. (Probably not the most rational way to look at it, but it just feels more positive to me). Time will tell.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for a new start. Even if it isn't *techinically* I think it's a great way to look at it!
