My husband, bless his heart, likes to annoy me and has no shame. Do not be delluded that men are not gossips. They are worse then most women. My husband has a habit of telling his work buddies about the funny "incidents" that go on at our house, often to my embarrassment. Most embarrassment comes on my part when I have been particularly moody (raging irrational psycho bitch) or we have some assclapping catastrophe (ever gagged so hard you threw up on him? been there, done that and everyone at DH's work knows about it, thanks honey). Well, my dear sweet man of a husband likes to share these incidents with his comrades at work (okay, only a select few of them but still). Yesterday, he shared my dream (and I'm pretty sure expanded on my reaction to it).
The funny thing is, that DICK just recently left this place of employment after several years (he was "laid" off but really they just wanted to get rid of him because he became such a douche) AND Trashley's ex-husband USED to work for this company, SO EVERYONE knows the backstory and all the players. (Follow all that Jerry Springer nonsense?) DH's comrades got a huge kick out of the whole scenario of Dick and his "whore" as well as my being ticked off at DH over a dream.
Apparently, I am not alone in this that I get mad at DH over things he does in my dreams as one of DH's coworkers has actually been exiled to the sofa in the middle of the night for something he "did" in his wife's dream. Atleast I have NEVER taken it THAT far! It still leads me to ponder the vividness of my dreams, the rationality of my dreams and the scary thought that they will get worse, more vivid, etc. during pregnancy.
So the reality is that I'm obsessing so much about TTC that I'm making up more things to obsess about? Are my icecream cravings and wierd dreams phantom symptoms or just coincidence? The Reality is that I have a sweet tooth anyway occasionally and that I have ALWAYS been a vivid dreamer. These "recent" experiences have NOTHING whatsoever to do with TTC or pregnancy. Having said that, it is a very realy POSSIBILITY, that I will experience these things on a larger, more frequent scale during pregnancy since I am prone to them now. THAT is a scary proposition for both my poor DH and me (but possible future entertainment for my readers).
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