This is hard for me to admit, but I think I owe some people an apology. If you have ever fished on BOTB and I have been rude, mean, or snarky to you during your 2WW, then I apologize. (This apology does not apply to people who come on with “clockwork” cycles, do not chart, do not know when they actually ovulate and are only going off the fact they are one day late-those people are still idiots and I refuse to apologize to you or for you.)
I never realized how difficult it would be to not analyze every little twinge, pain, pimple (and I have great skin so these are especially annoying-especially the two extremely sore mountains that have taken up residence on my chin) etc during the 2WW. All these signs that are signs of an oncoming visit from AF as well as pregnancy (even though its really too early to experience them as pregnancy signs), are amplified (if only in my head) during this waiting period. I stare at my temperatures/chart and wonder if these are signs of AF or signs of pregnancy because the signs are pretty much the same this early on. Signs that I’ve rarely paid attention to because I know I am an-ovulatory. This month though is different, because even the Dr. confirmed I ovulated. This information combined with “symptoms” and chart are driving me absolutely batty.
So every cramp becomes the possibility of a miracle in the ute. Every time I rub my breast (or more likely my DH tries to cop a feel) and it is tender or downright sore, my mind starts spinning. You can hear the gears grinding. I KNOW I’m being silly because there is no way to know until I POAS, but you really can’t help it. No matter how many times I roll my eyes at myself (and yes, I badger myself the same that I would badger any of you) I still can’t help it. So in retrospect, I’m thinking I may have been a little brash towards people going through the same thing. (I don’t think so, as I am usually very supportive as long as you speak intelligently about your body and know a little something more than your periods are clockwork but just in case).
Who knows, maybe I was bitterer (I can’t believe that is an actual word it looks so odd) then I even thought and because I had never experienced the 2WW assumed you would be more intelligent over it. I REALIZE the symptoms are the same and that they are probably not as noticeable as I think they are but we can’t control our subconscious and it is what it is. I admit that I’m silly and thinking the same way countless others do. Will I take it any further then acknowledging it on a blog? Nope. I’m silly not stupid.
So I sit here, another day down, wondering if AF is going to show up soon or if I’m going to get to continue waiting for another week to POAS. The only sticks I’ve peed on are OPK’s so I really do want to POAS. I just hope its for a good reason.
So for shits and giggles here are my symptoms:
1) slight pain still in left ovary area (most likely associated with ruptured cyst)
2) twinges of pain in middle of abdomen (I’m guessing gas or I will be taking a shat soon ;)
3) tender breasts (maybe DH has been playing with them too much lately)
4) pimples (extremely sore ones and several all over my face)
5) tired (I’m always tired though)
6) peeing constantly (maybe it’s the recent intake of more water then normal)
7) poop is not its normal consistency (wtf this has to do with anything I don’t really know but who doesn’t love a good poop reference?)
Yep..that’s it…told you it was all silly but good for a laugh!!