I'm 17 DPO. My temperature is still 97.7. No upward shift nor downward shift.
Smell of cooked chicken makes me gag. I've had horrid intestinal issues for three days. I'm talking green/brown WATER here. If feeling like someone has taken a baseball bat to your back and ass are signs of pregnancy-I'm having triplets.
I'm so tired. Other than that, nothing. Easily written off as PMS, stomach bug and/or stress from work project.
To appease Isha though, I will swing by and pick up an EPT on the way home from showing a house tonight. I may even take it tonight instead of in the morning since I am 17 DPO. If it were to be positive it would be positive tonight just as easily as tomorrow morning this far into the LP.
I guess fingers crossed if you got them. I'm actually very blase/apprehensive about it. Probably because there is not change in temp so I'm not feeling it. But I will do it given the length of time it has been.
I could have done without the intestine-related details ;) Regardless, I have everything crossed that can be crossed.