Yesterday was an amazing day. Even though the ultrasound picture shows nothing but a blob hugging the top of my ute, I will try and scan it in for show and tell sometime this week. We have a HEARTBEAT. I very strong pulse of light with good sound. It melted me. I even managed to get a peak at DH smiling at the monitor.
I'm measuring behind at only 6 weeks/ 6 days (today is 7 weeks) but the Dr. was not concerned as my chart showed a late ovulation on day 21. So my new Due Date is May 11th (which is even later than I had figured). Oh well. I HAVE A BABY in there! I don't care!
They did this long questionaire and consultation and gave my so many books and phamplets and free trials of prescription Prenatals etc. It was very overwhelming.
After the two hour marathon Dr.'s appt, DH and I went by Babies R Us and picked out a crib and cards for the grandparents. He picked out a pack and play (he's so funny) and it was all I could do to drag him out before he bought some onesies our child would not be able to use until next fall. I had to tell him I'm pretty sure they will have them again for next Halloween. We do not need to buy our unborn child a halloween costume THIS year and pray he/she is still wearing 6-9 month clothes at that point.
After lunch at Chili's, I took a nap while he studied. Then i had a burst of energy and cleaned our bedroom, did laundry etc. At the end of the day, I was worn out, my feet hurt but I felt extremely happy and accomplished. I had successfully cleaned, spent time with my husband and grown a baby complete with heartbeat.
Life is Good.
I'm so excited. I want to laugh and cry and cry some more! Mine is Thursday and now we are due one week apart. It just doesn't get any better than that. Congrats, Mama!
ReplyDeleteThat is the one thing that did make me smile about a later due date. My thoughts "I'm now a May Momma due close to JLEE!"
ReplyDeleteYAY! You, my dear Buck, are my hero. Yup, it's official.
I am so excited for you Buck! Sounds like you had an awesome day!
ReplyDeleteThat is such awesome news, Buck. :)