WRONG. You can taste a hint of the apple butter flavor but thats it. Just a hint. This cake is very bland. However, I always post my failures and winners and to me this was bland but to someone out there who may be diabetic or prefer lightly flavored food, it may be a fantastic answer to their prayers. (yea, okay.)
To this Southern girl, it was a perfect desecration of two cups of perfectly good applebutter! LOL My girl Tonya is dropping by later to pick up the cake. Maybe she will comment on her families opinion of it!

Low Fat Applebutter Cake
3/4 cup whole wheat flour
1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
2 tsp baking soda
pinch of baking powder
2 cups apple butter

2 egg whites
2 cups finely chopped apples (I used two large apples)
Combine the dry ingredients and stir. Add the apple butter and egg whites and mix well. Fold in the apple pieces.
Pour into greased bundt pan and bake at 350 for about 35-40 minutes or until tester comes out clean.
Me, my daughter, and my diabetic hubby really enjoyed this cake and my husband absolutely loves apple-butter. I particularly loved Krista's apple-butter, too. My daughter and I sprinkled powdered sugar on the tops of ours and left my hubby's plain. It was light and refreshing and my husband loved having some cake to finish after a meal, and we enjoyed the leftovers for breakfast - YUM!!