How far along? 15 weeks
Total weight gain: 4 pounds (in one week...yikes! WTF happened? I've been eating great!)
Maternity clothes? No, though another pair of pants (my jean capri's are getting tight in the waste).
Sleep: Not good. I keep waking up at 3am and having trouble getting back to sleep. I can't get comfortable anymore.
Best moment this week: ummmmm.....I don't think this week has had anything special about it.
Gender: leaning more towards boy now.
Craving: Apples
Movement: No.
Labor Signs: No.
Belly Button in or out? In but slightly more shallow.
What I miss: SLEEP!
What I am looking forward to: Spending time with my girls this weekend.
Weekly Wisdom: Spreading the chores out and keeping the house clean has worked wonders for my stress and energy levels.
Milestones: Is gaining weight a milestone? LOL
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