I took my camera to work with me this week. It's amazing the difference in picture quality huh? I'm no longer blurry and dark! LOL
Total weight gain: No idea. I didn't want to know as i felt like a fat cow today. Late this afternoon, after I blew up a toilet, I felt 5 pounds lighter but decided I still didn't want to know!
Maternity clothes? Yes but I'm still squeezing into my old jeans. THIS has been going on for far too long! Seriously though, those jeans I'm wearing? I had to unbutton them to sit at my desk as little man kept kicking my belly button. I think he was telling me they were too tight!
Sleep: Hardly at all last night but not too bad the few days preceeding. Hopefully tonight will be better.
Best moment this week: Knowing my invitations are going out for my babyshower!
Gender: Definately a BOY!
Craving: Still Lemon I guess. I'm not really "craving" anything but lemon still tastes great to me whenever I have it. I did get a hankering for a banana split this weekend. I had two of them (not at the same sitting but a day apart) which probably explains my lack of desire to weigh!
Movement: Definately and I love every second of it.
Labor Signs: No.
Belly Button in or out? Still In
What I miss: The heartburn is getting ridiculous.
What I am looking forward to: Every morning when my husband wakes me up by rubbing my belly and saying good morning as the baby starts to move around under his hand. That is how he wakes me up every day and we spend ten minutes snuggling and feeling the baby. I am definately going to miss that when I'm not pregnant.
Milestones: I don't think I had any big deals this week. It's enough just being happily pregnant.
::rubs belly:: You look great.