As I write this, I only have 12 official days left till my E.D.D./Two until the Full Moon that will be closer to the earth than ever before (at least in recent years). Things could get interesting around here in the next two weeks folks!
Total weight gain: Yesterday at the Dr. The scales read 40lbs. I almost cried.
Maternity clothes? Barely. I'm still rocking some premat clothes. I'm pretty proud of myself for doing so too. Where the heck is this 40lbs hanging out? My chin? Yea, I think so.
Sleep: Very little especially now that my Spring Allergies have kicked in and are draining down my throat!
Best moment this week: Feeling a little hand pushing back against my finger and trying to grasp it from under my skin. It was 3a.m. and had a dream like quality but I cried it was so awesome. (I cry a lot lately).
Gender: No question this is a boy. None (especially after the last ultrasound..wowzers!)
Craving: Bagel with Cream Cheese has been the flavor of the week though I'm not really craving anything.
Movement: Very strong movements still but lower now.
Labor Signs: Well, I have a LOT of pain and pressure in the lower stomach and my cervix is softening according to the dr. The Dr. measurements also say he has moved down a little but still no contractions.
Belly Button in or out? Still In
What I miss: At this point, despite the lack of sleep etc, I don't really miss anything. i'm just trying to hold onto these amazing feelings of having an inside baby all to myself because I know soon I'm going to have to share him with the world.
What I am looking forward to: Finally finishing the nursery this weekend (hopefully).
Milestones: Baby moving downward so I guess we are getting ready for labor. I did at least pack a basic hospital bag to commemorate the event. LOL We also had Maternity Pics done! So excited!
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