Total weight gain: 44lbs. ::stares in shock and horror::
Maternity clothes? Barely. I'm still rocking some premat clothes. I'm pretty proud of myself for doing so too. I swear my weight has shifted more above the belt line. Isn't he supposed to be DROPPING?
Sleep: Very little. I can not get comfortable and I feel like a beached whale.
Best moment this week: Scheduling Induction and the nursery is complete!!
Gender: A very stubborn adorable bouncy boy.
Craving: turkey Hot dogs
Movement: Yep. Still an active baby but he's staying head down, feet in the ribs.
Labor Signs: Ummmmm....HA. I have a LOT of contractions. Some painful, some not. 80% effaced but no dialation.
Belly Button in or out? Still In
What I miss: The hopefuly excitement and relaxed pregnancy feelings sharing with my husband. We are both getting a little impatient simply because of discomfort and lack of sleep. I want to enjoy every last second of pregnancy because I KNOW I'm going to miss being pregnant and feeling him move but we are anxious to meet him and be a little more comfortable in my body again.
What I am looking forward to: Meeting this little boy and seeing my husband finally truly hold him.
Milestones: Complete and utter FULL TERM!
omg matthew come out and lay!!!