a lioness for her cubs, a psychologist for the sick at heart, and defender of all those suffering due to ignorance. As I ran errands today, waited for four hours on DH's car to be fixed (do NOT get me started about my day off), I apparently missed quite a bit on my favorite chat board. In review, I came across this little tidbit of wisdom that sweet Rachel wrote for some inconsiderate newbie who posted some illmannered "advice" (throatpunch to you Amelia, you better be glad that thugbuckin and her raging hormones and pukey self was not in attendance today). Thank you Rachel for being so understanding and wise.
You think that someone who has already been patient for nearly two years and had ravaged their body with medications to help conceive wants to be told about "patience"? Patience does not make pregnancy happen for MANY women. Blood sweat and tears, doctors appointments, horribly invasive procedures, medications with terrible side effects - that is what some people go through to have a baby, and when they are frustrated they have every right to be so and should have not to hear about how they should be PATIENT.
"Maturity" should bring with it some knowledge - knowledge that PATIENCE does not in fact make the world go round, and knowledge of feelings to have some sort of idea what might be the WRONG damn thing to say. Now go away.
Aw, thanks Buck! You know I'm glad to be of service anytime, especially when there is douchery involved.