Thursday, July 16, 2009

FF Pregnancy Monitor

So I have the "free VIP" trial on FF. Ofcourse the one option that VIP's get that I want to use and they do not give me, is "find BFP charts like yours." Bastards. If I want to torture myself and provide myself with a little bit of hope in the face of my devastation, then you should damn well let me. The only thing you have "given" me is the Pregnancy Monitor where you give me points if I'm constipated.

Symptoms: constipated (despite my splurge of chinese food, fiber and fruit), bloated, fatigued, crampy (probably from my intestinal blockage)...whoohoo 67 points for pregnancy. OY VEY. come on REALLY? Basically you are telling me that if people enter symptoms that can be explained by PMS, poor diet, or a cold you give me pregnancy points? DUMBEST THING EVER.

Quit toying with me.

In other news, I have really been toying with taking a mini vacation of some sort. Blair's post only confirmed that I need to do this. We never had a honeymoon and every "vacation" we get (rare moments when someone will actually feed our horses for us which has happened ONCE in the past three years for Christmas) we end up visiting the inlaws and wasting a weekend on their sofa and being drug to walmart etc. with them in their daily lives. BORING. I want to REALLY get away.

Necessities for Minivacation:
Driving distance (within 6hrs)
Cheap accomodations
Limited Budget
Things to see and Do
Preferably NOT the beach (as DH can't stand the beach)

So far I've come up with:
Charleston (based on Blair's post and the recommendation for years from BFF)
Atlanta (My cousin lives there and would welcome us with open arms and no pressure to hang around)
Williamsburg/Busch Gardens/Jamestown (DH's grandparents live there and have a free room but it would feel like a family visit even though they won't care if we are gone during the day).
Asheville (Biltmore house, horseback riding, antique shops/museaums-but DH isn't real thrilled about seeing the Biltmore)
Cherokee (we would both love to go but DH really wants to do a Sweat Lodge and you have to be invited and since my grandfather died I don't have any relatives who have taken time to register with the reservation and tribe)

If we use family connections for places to stay then we have more money to explore/shop/do things during the day. However, I'm not sure that would "FEEL" like a vacation. I really want it to be just the two of us. We have NEVER had that. UGGH


  1. I will contribute to the "Get Buck and her husband on vacation" fund that I've just created in your honor.

  2. A vacation sounds wonderful! I hope you get to get away. Charleston sounds like a great option.
