I called A last night to find out what was going on and she told me she had already moved out. One of their boxers is getting old and the other male (both are fixed) has been attacking him trying to take over leader of the pack. The other night it escalated into a knockdown drag out with A getting bit on the foot and the hand, a dent put in her car door and a screaming match between her and J ensued over the possible injuries to the old one. From what I gather she just grabbed the offending Boxer, her favorite Wiener dog and went and slept on the floor of the new apartment with the clothes on her back and the two dogs. It's a mess.
Long story short, she went back last night for her clothes and some blankets and pillows and she brought Scarlett with her so I could pick her up. When I walked into the door of the apartment, Scarlett pretty much crawled up my butt and stayed there. She could give two craps about them...LOL which is how it has always been when I came over. So needless to say, putting her in my car and taking her home didn't really phase her at all. DH bathed her and we clipped the knots out of her fur and through it all she just stared at us adoringly and kept bumping her head up under our hands and flipping over for a belly rub.
Tedda has done really well with her so far. Cody on the other hand is a giant tense ball of hormones which really blows my mind because she's fixed. All this poor dog wants to do is hump her. I think he thinks we bought him his very own blow up doll or something. She snaps at him when he gets too aggressive (or near me) but that just seems to be a bigger turn on. It's kind of funny but lordhavemercy I feel sorry for her (and for him a little bit). We are doing our best to keep him calm and control the situation for both their sakes but there is only so much we can do, they have to work it out and hopefully when he figures out she is going to stay, he will calm down.
The whining, OMG the WHINING. We had to seperate the crates because his whining was insane. We put her in our bedroom with her crate on my side of the bed which worked pretty well. She whined a few times when I got up to Pee but settled back down when I told her to. Cody on the other hand, every time he heard the slightest movement, he started whining from two rooms away. It was awful. I don't think he slept a wink, and if he keeps it up will probably pass out soon from exhaustion. Maybe even from dehydration as there are little "doggie wienie drips" all over my house where he can't quite contain his excitement. It's bad enough rolling over into your own sexual juices but having a morning snuggle watching the news and rolling over into doggie juices is completely gag worthy. My poor little boy has issues!
Anyway, she is happy and healthy and is already queen of the sofa (and of me). It takes surgical equipment to remove this dog from me I swear. I can go anywhere in the neighborhood/yard and she doesn't get more than 10 feet from me and comes running back at her name all happy to see me as if its been years. It's so cute and I think DH is a slight bit jealous as he is so used to being the one with a wiener dog attached to him. LOL
I will post pictures hopefully this weekend. We are taking a day trip to Boone, NC tomorrow to do some shopping on King Street (browsing the novelty shops, antique stores etc.). Believe it or not, we are making a 2 hour trip (one way) for FLIP FLOPS. This special kind of flip flop called Locals that DH used to buy in Hawaii. He has been hunting for them for years and this little shop in Boone is carrying them. So we are going to make an afternoon of it and eat lunch and enjoy it a bit. Maybe I will find a fantastic new collar for Scarlett.
Oh yea, the baby stuff: Ute hurts, Ovaries hurt and I don't want to be touched. Yea, its conclusive, my right ovary sucks a thousand burning suns.
YAY FOR SCARLETT! You are such an amazing dog mommy. She is very lucky to have you. Now, just to get Cody on a cold shower schedule so that poor sexy Scarlett doesn't get bumrushed every 30 seconds! lol