I thought I would give you guys a little treat. I tried to take a Belly Pic despite the fact that I'm fat and you really don't care to try and distinguish a bump. Fortunately for you, my camera kept flashing in the mirror or my hand would move so I gave up after about 5 attempts. Instead I'll treat to the first ultra sound pic (yes I know it was three weeks, almost four weeks ago, but I finally scanned it in)

He/She is hovering at the very top. That's my baby ya'll! My little blurry black and white glorious wittle grainy baby! Isn't it precious? (Just say yes to the crazy southern lady, your life will be much simpler if you agree with me).
and also a picture of us, taken two weeks ago at the family reunion. The significance of this picture? It's the first "family" picture of the "three" of us. So please ignore the fact that I have no make up on and I'm freezing in the cold rain. Just Enjoy.

Please note what my husbands shirt says. If only every idiot that passes through BOTB could see this picture they would never question why my husband married me but they would probably still worry for the sake of our future children. HA HA.
Hahaha, love your husband's shirt!! :P
ReplyDeleteI see the baby in the U/S... I see the baby, yeay!! :::::girly squeal:::::
Baby Buckin, I love you so much it hurts!! Oh, and Krista, I think I see a vagina...