1) BRINE your Turkey. I can't say enough about brining the Turkey. I made a 12lb turkey this year, so I was able to use a new mop bucket which I placed the turkey in, filled with cold water, a cup of salt, a dash of cayenne pepper and some lemon juice (1/3 cup). Placed in the refridgerator overnight.

2) Dry your turkey and make an herb rub. Melt some butter and add whatever herbs you like: salt, pepper, parsley, basil, rosemary etc. and stir into a paste. Take a knife and gently seperate the skin from the turkey. Slide your hand between skin and meat and massage paste into it. Make sure you slit holes in the skin near the base/legs to put some paste in there too. Place two halves of an orange or lemon inside cavity with the rest of the herb paste. Pour 3/4 of a bottle of champage or white wine over/around turkey.
3) Roast ( I prefer a roasting pan versus the oven)at 350 until thermometer reads about 170 degrees basting every 30 minutes. Let Turkey rest for about 30 minutes, it will finish cooking inside as the oven/roater cools. Place over on a dish and let cool for about another 30 minutes before cutting.

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