Foodie Blogroll in conjunction with the National Mango Board issued a challenge this month to incorporate Fresh Mango's with leftovers for scrumtious new dishes. To be perfectly honest, I have NEVER used Mango in any dish. This is something I had to try! I haven't exactly used it with any leftovers yet, but that is next on my list. I did experiment with flavors and mango. One catastrophe of a Mango Salsa later (don't ask) I decided to go with a straight up Mango Glaze on a pork Roast with asaparagus. Two seasonal items that are easily found in the stores right now. I was very proud of myself as this was completely from scratch.
Mango Glazed Pork with AsparagusIngredients:1 Pork Roast
1 Mango
1 Whole Pineapple
1/2 cup packed light brown sugar
1/2 cup honey
1 tsp Rosemary
1 tbs Parsley
1 lb asparagus
3 tbs butter
1 cup orange juice
Directions:Place Pork in roaster pan, salt well, pour orange juice over it and roast for about an hour until thermometer registers about 160 degrees. Meanwhile cut tough ends from asparagus and lightly boil in salted water until slightly limp.

In a bowl mix diced pineapple and mango wiht the honey, brown sugar and herbs. When roast is at 160, pour fruit glaze over the top and cook for another five minutes until juices in bottom of roaster mix with the dripping fruit glaze juices. Add asparagus to bottom of pan in the juices and place butter on top. Cook for another 5-10 minutes until roast is done and asparagus is hot and tender.

Serve. The fruit sugars really come out and it is so sweet and soft against the savory of the herbs and pork. YUM!
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