Total weight gain: At the Dr's yesterday I was up a total of 31 lbs. I've blown past that 15-20 lb mark a long time ago. ::sigh:: The only bright spot is that I've been hovering around this weight for a few weeks. Only a month left so maybe I won't gain to a point I can't lose it quickly.
Maternity clothes? Yea. Unfortunately. See my whole rant on that topic here.
Sleep: This is a joke. A brutal constant weekly reminder of what I'm not getting. I've reached the point where my exhaustion is rivaling that of 1st tri.
Best moment this week: Reaching this incredible milestone. Its so amazing to look at those numbers and see how far I've come and how little I have left to go! Scary too!.
Gender: This is pretty pointless too since he is obviously a very stubborn boy that takes after his daddy.
Craving: Vanilla icecream with caramel and fudge sauce. YUM! (what was that about not gaining too much more weight?)
Movement: Very strong movements. Some days he's more active than others. I miss the little thumps and rolls and kicks. Now I get BIG rolls that are painful and he's getting the hiccups more frequently.
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? Still In
What I miss: Sleep and living off Zantac and Tums.
What I am looking forward to: Shopping with my BFF on Saturday for a little girl time. Plus she's after clothes for her sons and this time I get to shop for my son too so its going to be a whole new thing for us to do together!
Milestones: 35 weeks, 35 days to go! Anesthesia consult on Friday! Things are moving right along baby!
Awww, I love your belly. I can't believe how close you are to your due date. I'm so excited for you! Hugs to you. :)