Total weight gain: This morning I was sitting at 26 pounds but when I got to the Dr. I was at 29lbs. I've been sick for two days and today was the first day I could really eat and drink so I was knocking back the Gatorade. Dr. was pretty sure it was my body retaining all the water it had lost and not worried about the gain.
Maternity clothes? Still mostly but I still have those few pieces I haven't let go of. I don't think they will make it all the way to the end but I can live without them for a few weeks....I've only got five weeks left ya'll!
Sleep: Off and on. I tend to be able to take naps but not sleep through the night. Go figure. Maybe its getting me in practice so I don't become a zombie mom.
Best moment this week: Losing weight (and that was before I got sick!)I lost four pounds between last thursday and Monday. Not sure how I did it. Probably water.
Gender: Definitely a BOY!
Craving: Still Salad..with Steak. Coca Cola (which is odd since I'm a pepsi product girl)
Movement: Definitely and I love every second of it.I'm totally going to miss this part of pregnancy. Even though his rolls are getting pretty painful.
Labor Signs: Some mild Braxton Hicks but nothing too bad.
Belly Button in or out? Still In
What I miss: Sleep and living off Zantac and Tums.
What I am looking forward to: Getting some housework done.
Milestones: Bought the last of the big items on the registry that were musts. We almost have all the minimal things that we need to start out.
You are looking so cute!!! So close and we will get these boys together!!!! One down & one to go!!!