But well worth it. These were a big hit at the Birthday party yesterday!

Buttermilk Cupcakes and Cream Cheese Icing (just eliminate the chocolate from this recipe for white icing)
Scratch Brownies
What you will need:
A Round Cookie Cutter

Gel Food Coloring
White Fondant
shredded or Flaked coconut
Bake cupcakes and brownies per directions. Cool overnight (or several hours). Make icing per instructions leaving out chocolate. Seperate icing into three bowls.
Lettuce=Shredded coconut, icing and green food coloring (add a little at a time until your color is the way you want).
Ketchup=icing plus a few drops of blue food coloring and quite a bit of red (to get a deeper red.
Mustard=yellow plus icing.
Cheese= Fondant kneeded with yellow, roll out on floured board to very thin and cut into small square.
Cut cupcakes in half, pipe on some "lettuce", place a circle of brownie, pipe on "mustard", place fondant "cheese", pipe on "ketchup", and top with the cupcake top! TA DA! Easy Peasy.
They're beautiful! Hope you had enough to go around.