Sunday, August 2, 2009

Introducing Scarlett-Web Debut

Scarlett and Cody took Mount Airy by storm for the Dog Days of Summer in Mayberry. They were the hit of the town and even the most crotchety old man said what a "handsome pair" they were. I was so proud. While I was a bad doggie mommy and forgot to take pictures of their day out on the town, I did snap a few of the exhausted pups when we got home. So enjoy the photo montage of Scarlett and Cody.

First up: Scarlett's big Web Debut-

Scarlett and Cody napping:

DH and Cody chillaxin' in the pool:

Cody climbing all over Tedda to get to DH (he's such a daddy's boy). The whole family was tired..LOL


  1. Oh my! She's just gorgeous! And they are so cute together!Quite the lovely little family you've got there!

  2. Look at those two cuddlebunnies! SO cute!!
