Monday, August 31, 2009

Telling DH

As he came in last night from feeding the horses.

Me: So keep April 30th open.

DH: Ok. Why?

Me: (as I produce the pee stick) because you are going to be a Daddy.

DH: (turns away with a teary face. Turns back) I'll believe it when the Dr. tells me its true.

He's much more settled about it today but very happy I'm getting the bloodwork tomorrow to prove it and already taking off work for our first ultrasound and visit.

He even refrained from smacking my ass this afternoon but gently patted it. Which is probably a good thing because I swear I'm carrying this kid in my ass and low back. HOLY FREAKIN' COW I can barely stand up straight. Thank goodness I went to Walgreens on the way home and got pepcid and tylenol. Between the back pain and the hellacious heartburn/reflux, I think its starting to sink in. Now if the stomach cramps that make me nervous would go away, I would be a little less scared of m/c I think.

I will definately try to RELAX and enjoy every moment with my child no matter what: back pain and all.

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