Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Sex Deprived

FF has a spot to mark Sleep Deprived but not Sex Deprived. My husband stuck his nose in a new computer nerd book last night and I had to TELL him to put it down so I could turn out the light and go to sleep. By that point I was definately too tired and irritable to have sex and he didn't even try which just pissed me off more.

I had severe pain around the right ovary yesterday (no temp jump, so no ovulation) but its doing something, not sure what. Probably just being a bitch but still. I finally asked this morning if we were just going to ditch this cycle and he said, "I dunno." WTF?

I'm taking these drugs, which I hate, because you want me to do a few more cycles. I'm putting my body through hell not to mention my emotional well being and you are tired? Let me tell you something buddy, I suggest you get your dick in gear because you damn well will try this cycle or you will face the wrath of a pissed off, overdrugged, sex deprived wife. It won't be pretty. I don't care if you are tired and didn't sleep well because of my "whining dog." It happens. A child will be worse. Get the fuck over it and get to gettin'.

In other news: apparently my right ovary makes my mouth cuss like a sailor (or maybe that's just me and I notice it more when I'm irritated on "right ovary month.")

The farrier that came out ripped us off yesterday. $125.00 to trim 3 horses. I've never paid more than 90.00. Jeezus Lapeezus. That hurt. Holistic Pedicures my ass. She was in a freakin' Toyota Camry for goodness sakes, she didn't even have the expensive farrier truck and equipment that everyone else has. Oy Vey. I did get most of the yard mowed, thank goodness. I'm going to finish it (the riding part) this afternoon and try to get some of the push mowing done. Hopefully DH will work on the weedeater because we can't go much longer without one, the weeds are getting ridiculous. I am so ready to work on my garden and start up the fall plantings. I'm completely over this pathetic summer we've had.

I'm hoping to take a break from the house work tomorrow, go have drinks with Audrey and then do the 30 Day Shred. (I might NEED to be a little tipsy to take on Jillian! ha ha )

1 comment:

  1. Oy, Jillian and the 30 day shred... that shit scares me. :P

    I hope you're feeling better and that your DH gives you the sexin' you deserve!
