Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Off to see the Wizard

the wonderful Wizard of OB (GYN). Joy and rapture. The pain in my low ad/ute area has spread and is quite painful. It is not unbearable but I wouldn't want to live with it on a permanent basis either.

Last night, in an effort to solve the current mystery of my ute, DH and I decided to do some investigation. We found that while there wasn't much, I did have SLIPPERY CM and my cervix was lower then before but still firm and closed. OPK was negative. So we came to the agonizing decision of trying to have sex just in case this pain was possible ovulation related and my body was gearing up since a few signs were pointing to the possibility.

Can I just tell everyone that it was acutely ackward and extremely painful. Today the pain is still there and the bloating is holding tight to. I can not fathom that this is simply gas or poo pains as I have done both yesterday and today and the pain did not ebb. The pain is localized to the ute area and the fact that sex triggered it (or aggrivated it) and was painful both times leads me to the conclusion that this is indeed a ute issue versus intestinal. TMI right? YW :P

I called the Dr. this morning, gave the nurse the details and she agreed that I should come in for exam/ultrasound. It is unfortunately with the Dr. I am not too fond of as my regular is on call at the hospital today, but atleast it is something and I want to know what is going on! Why does EVERYTHING involving my body and uterus have to be THIS difficult?

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